Shine & Rise
A place for inner transformation, connection and stepping into your power. Learn to become the artist of your life. Shine your light and Rise above limitations.
"Intuitive painting with Mariah was a wonderful experience. I have been creative in the past, but was always afraid to express myself with it. This class helped me so much push through the blockages I had. Mariah encouraged me to be brave and with her support I was able to enter new territory."
- Janina T.
The intuitive painting process reveals our powerful and inherent nature.
You can CHOOSE
Become aware of the habits, patterns and thoughts that hold you back from the life you desire so you can choose to rise above them.
You are the ARTIST of your LIFE
This process reveals steps towards creating the life you most desire.
Hi, I'm Mariah Moon.
I'm crazy passionate about the Intuitive Painting Practice. I'm a Creatively Fit Coach & 500 hour Yoga Therapist, with over 10 years teaching experience. Teaching what I'm passionate about LIGHTS ME UP! Once I discovered this painting practice; yoga and art began to meld. I use my canvas the way I use my yoga mat; to embody my wholeness and discover who I truly am. I've been an artist my entire life, although I couldn't admit that until I found this practice, and for the first time I LOVED something I had painted. I spent 38 years believing I wasn't good enough. Not good enough at art, not good enough in relationships, not good enough at anything really. I felt like a constant failure. I struggled with depression, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, I didn't value myself and life was a constant struggle. Yoga helped SO much and I worked on it; a lot! I never got the lasting results I desired though. Through intuitive painting I suddenly felt my value. I fell in love, oh yes, in love, with the process. Now I know my value, tapped into self-love and am claiming my power. I have learned how to shift my thoughts and use my creativity as a powerful tool of transformation. I am the artist of my life. I am more than good enough and I deserve the life I desire. So do you! I intend to help as many people as possible to see their own potential and help them create a life they LOVE.
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